Prefabricated forms

Custom-designed forms used to fabricate concrete elements that require the use of non-standard systems. These are often small architectural elements, radial walls with a small radius of less than 1.50m, etc. Depending on the requirements of the construction, they can be made of high quality plywood (exposed element) or economy plywood. The mold is in the shape of a grate made of 21–27mm thick construction plywood on which 4–15mm formwork plywood is wound (notched plywood or an arrangement of 15mm strips + 4–6mm flexible face plywood). For very small bend radii of the mold, flexible plywood with at least R=20cm is used. The load-bearing function of the form is performed by a specially designed frame made of construction plywood or H20 wooden girders (In the frames of the grate there are locations for attaching paired girders through which, with the help of DYWIDAG 15 construction tie, opposite walls of the formwork are connected). By using the tongue-and-groove method of joining frames, a high degree of precision of such forms is achieved. The components of the grate are developed through a 3D CAD modeling process and manufactured on CNC milling plotters. Such forms can be combined with inventoried formwork systems.


Load bearing capacity: 40kN
Sizes: any (designed for the given element)
Weight: 20-40kg/m2


  • flexibility
  • BA3 high quality (depending on the sheathing plywood used)
  • high number of interlays (up to 40x)